~SuMMéR Lé@VéS HoMé~

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Joy to the World Again

When it reaches December, what I can think of is Christmas....... When the Christmas bell rings, it reminds me that the Joy is coming to the World again, on the other hand it also reminds me that a brand new year is approaching. Although i'm not a Christian, I do celebrate Christmas as Christmas is always fun.... the Christmas Party...

Still remember 4 years back when I was still in Australia before coming back to M'sia, I held a Christmas party at my place with all my friends. It was really fun, as everyone of us were really well prepared for the day. Turkey, Lasagne, Spagetti, Cakes, Pizza and the Cheeze Tarts...... really missed those days. Was searching for the photos just now and found some in one of the CDs..... shared with you some of the photos taken years back on the Christmas Day :)

pic1: Christmas Tree and the Christmas Santa bears

pic2: Caroling with candles and lights off (Romantic ...)

pic 3: Group Photo

Pic 4: Fireworks at the riverside. The Building in front is the Parliment house just opposite the place that i used to stay

As usual, when there is any celebration or festival I will become busy as need to prepare for all the decoration stuff. Let's see if there is any surprise this year ... ngek ngek ngek :P the room will be filled with Christmas atmosphere and everything will be different!!! Ho ho Ho... :P

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

World Television Day (21 November)

Read from the newspaper this morning and got to know that it's World Television Day today (21 November). How amazing that even television has a day for everyone to remember!!!

Nowadays, TV has become part of our lives - we can see how the World Trade Center crash from the TV, we can watch the World Cup football match, Olympic events, favourite movie show from TV and etc...... Can you imagine how our lives would be if there is no TV? (Honestly, i seldom watch TV, i think i see the monitor screen more than the TV but too bad the monitor can't watch the Astro programme online :P )

Check it out the link below for the history of television, quite interesting......

The Origins of Television

Television History

~ The Magic Box in every House~





解说: 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下什么遗憾,想笑就笑, 想哭就哭, 该爱的时候就去爱, 不需要压抑自己。

Monday, November 20, 2006

Time to have a Kit Kat ;)

After the hectic weeks, time to have a kit kat ...... What am I doing so late at night? I'm taking off tomorrow, went back home since Saturday and lazying aroung at home as well as to enjoy to be in the home sweet home :) I missed my home, my parent and my nephew :) was so busy the past few weeks and got no time to come home at all... so I must enjoy the moment

I have started to filter and edit all the photos taken during the Annual dinner, will post in my website soon....... :) Time to go to bed, bye!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Happy Customer Service Week :)

This week is the Customer Service Week for my company (WW45), working in the customer service sector, the management has prepared some surprise for us!!! but looks like it's not a surprise for me as I'm the one who helped to prepare for the surprise :P

Yesterday night (Sunday) around 8pm, I went back to the office with a few colleagues in order to prepare for the decoration in our office. Why went to office at night? Because we wanted to give a big surprise to the people on the floor tomorrow when they came in to the office. We started with blowing up all the balloons (luckily we have the pam), cut and paste the pictures, arranging the clothes nicely etc... It's not an easy job to prepare for the decoration.

After spent around 3 hours, the deco is up!!! Wow, it's amazing but I am sure that people will feel very happy when they see the smiley faces around. The purpose for the deco is to bring us back to the childhood memories.... all the sweet memories .... Don't Worry, Be Happy!!!

Share with you some photos taken for the duration and feel free to give some comments in order to improve in the future :P

"The decoration that we put at the entrance"

"Jenny and I at the mushroom house"

"The initial and drawings on the mugs!! "

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Busy week. I think I have never be such busy in my entire life before. All events just coincidently to be happened on the same week which will be WW45 (next week) and i have to rush for every event.

1st of all, the most important one is the IT Annual Dinner 2006. The theme for the dinner this year is ***Glitz & Glam***. Last year we had Movie Awards and for this year we will be having Project Runway!!! I have been appointed to be the Fashion Designer for the 8 models. Why 8??!!! That is a lot for me. Have been drafting the models wear since last week and finally have passed everything to the other designers and asked them to start to work on the clothes this week. It has to be up tomorrow!!! I am responsible for Jennifer's and Rohan's clothes so have been working hard to get everything done. That's why we stayed up till 3am yesterday to work on the clothes!!! (My eyes can hardly open now ~yawn~)

Other than the fashion designer, i will be perform on the stage during the IT annual dinner 2006. Haha... surprise? I have dance performance with a team of 6 during that night and we are going to perform the "Buttons - by Pussycat Dolls" :) My group has been practising hard since last 2 weeks and i have been teaching them since 1 month ago.... luckily they are fast learner :) Good Good..... Hopefully everything will go well

Besides that, Customer Service Week will be on next week too!!!! Oh gosh, many things to do right? :P Suddenly got tied in to join the meeting as I am the service desk makeup lead, used to in charge of the decoration. So was tied in to the meeting and need to help them up for the decoration thing. The theme is simple, and i think should be easy to do.... Smiley and every one will be happy :) We will just draw some sunflowers, smurf, mushrooms something that will bring us back to our childhood memories. That is not difficult to do .....

Next coming up - ISD teambuilding. Previously my department was known as ACS but due to recent reorganisation, we have changed our name to ASD. ASD is now under ISD so the new organisation is having a teambuilding on this coming Wednesday in order to get to know each other better as well as to get to know our new boss. The teambuilding will be at EQ. Looking forward to that :)

Other than that, Intel-MinD 2006 will be on next Thursday. I'm the helper for that event so have to attend the rehersal on this Friday and next Wednesday to walk though everything and to ensure a smooth event day. I think i'm quite long winded.... :P Have been writing non-stop in order to tell how busy I am. Actually still have few more event to write but I'm hungry now :P Going for lunch.... :) bz bz bz ... ;P